School Alerts

Parent Information

Home School Agreement

When your child joins Hartley Brook, you too, as parents and carers, become part of our academy community.

We regard it as a privilege to share with you the life and development of your child. Education is a shared enterprise in which the children, their families and the school participate. A positive relationship between home and school enhances a child’s attitude to learning, behaviour and motivation. We seek to encourage a shared commitment to the success of each individual by involving parents and carers as fully as possible in the life and work of Hartley Brook.

School and Home

  • Strong links between home and school provide good opportunities for teachers to understand children’s attitudes to learning, their rate of progress and level of attainment.
  • Involving parents in their children’s education helps to remove many misunderstandings and ambiguities about daily life in school.
  • A meaningful relationship between home and school encourages parents as partners and provides extra helping hands.
  • An effective and communicative partnership between teachers and parents establishes an environment where children have a sense of security, familiarity and cultural freedom which, in turn, enhances learning.

As a parent, you are the major provider of your child’s education from birth through adolescence.

You guide the development of her character and mental health and help form the foundation from which she’ll develop lifelong attitudes and interests. And because your home is the primary environment in which your child’s potential and personality will take shape, it’s important to make sure that you create a positive, open atmosphere that will not only support what goes on in the classroom, but will also instil the desire to learn.

It is through your love and encouragement that your kids will become motivated — first to please you, and then to please themselves. This leads to self-confidence, curiosity, the enjoyment of mastering new tasks, and other healthy attitudes, all of which contribute to successful learning.

At Hartley Brook, our inclusion team work hard to build these relationships so that we can work hard to support you and your child through their school career.

As a Parent
  • I will be respectful to other adults and children.
  • I will encourage my child to follow the Academy Values and be supportive of school policies; particularly in relation to behaviour.
  • I will make sure that my child attends school regularly, arriving and leaving on time and encourage them to do their homework.
  • I will take an interest in my child’s learning by attending Open Afternoons and other school events.
  • I will support the school where possible with trips and workshops
  • I will let the school know of any problems which may affect my child’s health, work or behaviour in a calm and sensible manner.


DfE Compare Schools Entry – Hartley Brook Primary Academy


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