E-Safety – being safe in the digital world
Acceptable Use Policy Parents 2022-23
As a parent it is keen that you know what your child is doing online. This can be done by asking 3 simple questions –
Who are my children talking to online?
What are they doing online?
Where are they going online?
The PitDA website has lots of great information on how you can help you child stay safe.
The pegi website is great for checking if on-line games your child is playing are safe. Scroll down for more information on gaming.
In school, your child will learn all about staying safe online. If you would like to find out more please contact your child’s teacher.
Hartley Brook Online Safety Policy 2021-2022
Computer Games – Gaming
Is my child old enough to play the games they want?
The Pan-European Game Information (PEGI) age rating system was established to help European parents make informed decisions on buying computer games. It is used throughout most of Europe, in 30 countries (Austria Denmark, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Slovenia, Belgium, Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, Cyprus, France, Israel, Malta, Romania, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic and the United Kingdom.)
The system is supported by the major console manufacturers, including Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, as well as by publishers and developers of interactive games throughout Europe. The age rating system was developed by the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE).
To access the PEGI website, please click here.
Can I control what my child is playing?
All gaming consoles, handheld devices and operating systems for PC and Mac are equipped with parental control systems.This means that you can protect your child’s and online safety. Click here for more information.