School Alerts



“Young children’s engagement in high level play is one of the best indicators of school success.” (Smilansky, 1990)

At Hartley Brook we want to give our children the knowledge and confidence to develop skills for lifelong learning.  We provide opportunities for children to:

  • Link language and thought
  • Be independent learners
  • Listen to and communicate with others
  • Behave well, stay healthy and feel safe
  • Read well and develop a love of books
  • Communicate through writing
  • Talk about and explore the number system and shape
  • Be curious about the world around them
  • Express themselves through art and music

To ensure that we meet the individual needs of all of our children we make regular observations of the children’s interactions, interests, skills, and development of concepts. These observations are used to inform our planning for groups of children, for individuals and our provision for resources as appropriate.

Our Learning Environment

We see the physical environment as the child’s “third teacher” and believe that it is fundamentally important for quality exploration and learning as well as a place to build independence, self- esteem and a positive attitude towards learning.  Our indoor and outdoor learning environments provide a combination of responsibility and freedom, allowing children to develop fundamental skills for life. We believe that the importance of the environment lies in the knowledge that children can best create meaning and make sense of their world through environments which support “complex, varied, sustained, and changing relationships between people, the world of experience, ideas and the many ways of expressing ideas.

Reception Long Term Plan 2023-2024

Nursery Long Term Plan 2023-2024

EYFS Policy

EYFS Vision

Hartley Brook Primary Learning Environment Video

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